
What We've Been up to!

We have been busy busy here on The Island over the last week-and-a-half!

On Friday the second, through an act of realtor benevolence, we were able to move into our house before actually closing on it (that happens tomorrow).

Literally all of our worldly posessions arrived the following Tuesday. We have been sifting out piles of stuff for the past week. We are finally almost done!

Island Boy's behavior has improved greatly since being in a house with HIS things. Moving day was like Christmas for him, he was so excited!

Island Girl has been busy, as well! She turned four months old on Saturday. She celebrated the next day with her first taste of rice cereal (a relative success), and rolling back to tummy all on her own! She has tried the rolling a few times since, and today also went tummy to back twice. I think she will keep me and Island Dad on our toes! Island Girl is also (we think) working on some teeth now. Yippee.

We should b getting "real" Internet back soon, so updates will be more frequent from now on.

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