
The Passions of Children

Over the past two years and two months, I have had the distinct priviledge of watching Mr. J. grow from a baby boy into a little person with likes and dislikes. His very favorite things are trucks, dirt, pushing buttons (both literally and figuratively, as he is, after all, two), trains, coloring, running, jumping, and anything that resembles a ball (base-, basket-, foot-, and soccer-balls all rank equally at the top).

In an effort to be good parents, we have been trying very hard to indulge his passions, as much as we reasonably and safely can. We have been reading about trucks for a few months now, specifically from The Construction Alphabet Book by Jerry Palotta and Rob Bolster (2006).

Today, we were provided the ultimate experience to indulge very many of the things that this particular little boy adores. The Touch-a-Truck event was put on by Big Brothers and Big Sisters as a fundraiser. They arranged for trucks and wheeled-things of many sorts (ranging from a tractor, a dump truck with plow attached, and a rig with a low-bed and excavator to haul to a fire truck, police cars, an ambulance, and a bus). Kids were invited to climb on the trucks, explore (within safe reason), and test out the drivers seats.

Mr. J. thoroughly enjoyed himself, trying out each driver's seat, and telling me that he was going to drive us to lunch and then to the car wash. As we have been reading this book for months now, I was at least as excited as he was to see so many of these trucks up close!

But, as mother, more exciting to me was getting to see my sweet little boy get to see these giant trucks and machines up close. He astonishment at the size of the tractor wheels, his surprise (and slight fear) when the tug of a cord led to honking a very loud horn. Testing out the driver's wheels and getting to decide where we were "going" in each vehicle, and getting to be in the bucket of a cherry-picker.

I am convinced that the best part of parenting is getting to watch your child be delighted over and over again.

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